So I am a narrative designer for a simple reason. We can't have communication without language and we can't have action without communication. Communication is the most vital concept to the human experience. We don't have any existence without communication and we cannot leave a footprint behind when we are gone from this world.

所以我是一个叙事设计师,原因很简单。 没有语言,我们就不能有交流,没有交流,我们就不能有行动。 沟通是人类体验中最重要的概念。 没有沟通,我们就没有任何存在,当我们离开这个世界时,我们不能留下足迹。

A friend said to me recently that anime is about the power of friendship. This is true! I never even questioned it, but to me it is not entirely true. To me I believe that there is many values and many moments to be added to our experience. This does not just apply to the virtual, but also in reality! This is obvious. The power of friendship, an interesting concept and is definately true for my friend, he understands it and has become embedded in his consciousness. If many people also believe this one truth, then that is a common concensus! We can build memes and community around "the power of friendship".

一位朋友最近对我说,动漫是关于友谊的力量。 这是真的! 我甚至从未质疑过它,但对我来说并不完全正确。 对我来说,我相信我们的经验中有许多价值和许多时刻。 这不仅适用于虚拟,而且在现实中! 这是显而易见的。 友谊的力量,一个有趣的概念,对我的朋友来说是绝对正确的,他理解它,并已嵌入他的意识。 如果许多人也相信这一个真理,那么这是一个共同的共识! 我们可以围绕"友谊的力量"建立模因和社区。


The problem with communication is that it is imperfect. What we know from our own personal experience cannot be directly communicated to another person in a perfect way. Even with a 'perfect' system, perfect communication is impossible! This is just a fact of the human experience. If we take 2 people as an example, we can discuss the contents of a wine bottle. That wine bottle, is it red wine or white wine? Without having tasted it both parties insist on different answers! However after they have tasted the wine they can now be in agreement! This is communication, you can discuss and argue about the contents of the wine bottle but the contents won't change no matter how much you debate it.

沟通的问题在于它是不完美的。 我们从自己的个人经验中知道的东西不能以完美的方式直接传达给另一个人。 即使有一个"完美"的系统,完美的沟通也是不可能的! 这只是人类经验的一个事实。 如果我们以2个人为例,我们可以讨论一个酒瓶的内容。 那个酒瓶,是红酒还是白酒? 没有尝过它双方坚持不同的答案! 然而,在他们品尝了葡萄酒之后,他们现在可以达成一致了! 这是沟通,你可以讨论和争论酒瓶的内容,但无论你辩论多少,内容都不会改变。

How I understand it is that we can acquire the ability to communicate more accurately only through shared experience. We are of different mind and body but we can at the very least get as close to perfect communication as possible with a little effort. Only a little effort is required to build that, this becomes a mutual relationship built on shared experience. The answer was that it was red wine!

我的理解是,只有通过分享经验,我们才能获得更准确沟通的能力。 我们的思想和身体是不同的,但我们至少可以通过一点努力尽可能接近完美的沟通。 只需要一点努力就可以建立起来,这就成为一种建立在共同经验基础上的相互关系。 答案是,这是红酒!

I got this information from a book called "Agile Software Development Methodology"; I never finished reading it but it is a very interesting book and has become fundamental in my learning or teaching if I am able to teach. But it is important to share your knowledge not by words, instead by showing or through your actions. That way a student can then follow and that way they can build a base-set of rules which they can apply themselves. Then they can teach themselves, and in the end I haven't taught them anything but communicated as best as I can in the moment!

我从一本名为"敏捷软件开发方法"的书中得到了这些信息;我从未读完它,但它是一本非常有趣的书,如果我能够教书,它已经成为我学习或教学的基础。 但重要的是要分享你的知识,而不是通过言语,而是通过展示或通过你的行动。 这样学生就可以遵循,这样他们就可以建立一套他们可以自己应用的基本规则。 然后他们就可以自学了,最后我什么也没教过他们,只是在当下尽我所能地交流!

I am not that smart, but I am smarter than I give myself credit for. I can spend months learning trading, reading charts, doing technical analysis, researching projects that I find interesting, I can follow updates and listen to the communities. In those months I have not achieved anything, in fact I am always at a loss in my trading because I take risks. I take big risks because I am impatient to make money, but, I understand the data, to the best of my ability I can give good advice even if I do not take my own advice on trading. From this knowledge however I know that it is not all useless information, it is just a step forward in understanding.

我不是那么聪明,但我比我给自己的信用更聪明。 我可以花几个月的时间学习交易,阅读图表,做技术分析,研究我感兴趣的项目,我可以跟踪更新并听取社区的意见。 在那几个月里,我没有取得任何成就,事实上,我总是在我的交易亏损,因为我承担风险。 我冒很大的风险,因为我没有耐心赚钱,但是,我理解数据,尽我所能,即使我不接受自己的交易建议,我也能给出很好的建议。 从这些知识中,我知道这不是所有无用的信息,它只是在理解方面向前迈进了一步。